Bamidele O. Shangobunmi

JANG Speaks!: New Years approaches...

Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Years approaches...

I could have sworn I already posted this, but I don't see it here, so I must be trippin'. Mid-afternoon Friday my department director came around telling everyone to go home & start the weekend early, and he made a special point to insist to the two managers in my cubicle row to get me out of the place ASAP. (Evidently word of my extended hours has gotten to him.) Normally I give lip service to this kind of thing and then keep on working, but for once, I took the offer, finishing one document review and emailing it out before getting the heck out of there. The person I'm working with most closely in this late phase of the project worked really, really fast, so we're now in much better shape than expected.

We have Monday off, then it'll be back to the grind for two more weeks as the pieces of the puzzle all start to fit together. This week I should get a preview of what projects are coming up, but my manager has promised me a couple days of "coming in & just zoning out at your computer" as a reward for my hard work. I'd have preferred a fat spot bonus check but I'll happily take whatever I can get.

PS: When I say "my manager," of course I mean that loosely, since right now I actually have three of the buggers.

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