Bamidele O. Shangobunmi

JANG Speaks!: I have a homepage!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I have a homepage!

You would think that someone who has been doing online design work since 1993 would always have an up-to-date personal web site of his/her own, right?  Not in my case.  In 1996 I launched my first "homepage," but it was reallly just a sci fi-themed experiment in technology.  The following year I did a whole new one, but again, the site wasn't really about me, it was just about, well, itself, proof that I could do a lot of cool stuff for the sake of doing it.  In 2001 I got sick of looking at the same old thing, now hopelessly stale & outdated, so I replaced it with a very simple, flat, temporary screen with a handful of links to meager content pages.  That hardly grew over the years, and it was never something to be proud of in any way, shape, or form.

Today, after a little over a week & a half of part-time work, I have launched my very first proper, true homepage,  It's not at all fancy and not at all high-tech, but it has a significant amount of content that has sat in my head, in some cases for most of my life.  Basically, it accomplishes what it was built for, telling folks who I am, what I do, and bit about how I got to where I am today.

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