Bamidele O. Shangobunmi

JANG Speaks!: Different wavelengths

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Different wavelengths

My new work with design standards at PayPal is going so-so, or at least that's how I feel.  UED and development managers seem to disagree.  They're raving incessantly and passionately about what our tiny cross-functional standards "SWAT team" has been able to accomplish in just over three short months, especially compared to the previous status quo.  Me, I simply do not share their enthusiasm.  There have been far too many meetings for the sake of meeting.  Literally every manager or lead in the design organization has tried to get a piece of the new standards pie, and I've been fighting tooth and nail to keep things lean and results-oriented.  If I was able to just do my job, the way I planned out & proposed in October, I estimate that I'd have accomplished literally three times as much by now!

C'est la vie, though.  The fight will continue as I patently refuse to allow "design by committee" syndrome take over an effort with such huge potential to improve both company efficiency and consistency of the end user experience.

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