Bamidele O. Shangobunmi

JANG Speaks!: Moar powar! Less powar :(

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Moar powar! Less powar :(

So here's a funny story.  Last night my PS3 arrived, so naturally I was anxious to set that up.  I got it all going, got the controller charging, and tried out some demos.  I don't have my memory card adapter yet so I can't yet port my PS2 stuff over, and anyhow my PS2 was busy playing through the last 24hr race in Gran Turismo 4 (B-spec mode).  It was up to hour 23.

Okay, so I had two Playstations running.  Then a friend said he might come on XBox Live to do some Halo, and I hadn't yet been able to hook up with him, so I turned the 360 on too in case he showed up.  So that's 3 consoles.

Really nothing was happening so I switched to TV.  Three consoles + TV.

During commercials, turned on my computer.  Three consoles + TV + PC.

All this stuff going on right? So what happened?  The power went out.  No, I didn't blow a fuse, the whole neighborhood was out. So, I went to call the electric company to report the outage, but my cel phone was almost dead and wasn't gonna make it through the wait time.  However, I couldn't exactly put it on a charger with the power out, right?! I didn't have a car charger either!

I thought for awhile, and remembered my laptop.  I pulled it out, powered it on, and grabbed the USB cable from my PS3 to use as a charge cord.  Just my luck, the laptop had less than 8% charge remaining... I forgot to charge it last time I used it.  So, I turned it down to the absolute minimum power consumption possible and milk it down to 2% before shutting it off.  That gave me just enough power to make my electric company call.  It turns out, about ~4000 people are out of power, and there's no ETA.

I decided to head to Target to hang out there until they closed (which would be in less than an hour) and hopefully pick up a car charger for my phone, which I did.

So I get home, and I kid you not, AS I PULLED INTO THE DRIVEWAY, the power came back on.

The end.

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